The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

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No plant names match your search for Pothos sagittaefolia; we will try Pothos instead.

274 plant name records match your search criteria Pothos. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Pothos acaulis Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos acaulis Dryand. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos acuminatissimus Merr. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos aduncus (Schott) Vell. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos alatus Klotzsch & Karsten ex Knuth Unresolved L TRO
Pothos albertisii Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos anceps (R.Br.) Spreng. ex Schult. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos angustatus Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos angustifolius Reinw. ex Miq. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos angustifolius (Raf.) C.Presl Synonym H WCSP
Pothos argenteus W.Bull Synonym H WCSP
Pothos argyraeus Engl. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos armatus C.E.C.Fisch. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos atropurpurascens M.Hotta Accepted H WCSP
Pothos aureus Linden & André Synonym H WCSP
Pothos auritus Willd. ex Schult. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos australasicus F.Muell. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos balansae Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos barberianus Schott Accepted H WCSP
Pothos barberianus var. wallichii Ridl. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos beccarianus Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos bifarius Wall. ex Hook.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos borneensis Furtado Synonym H WCSP
Pothos brachypodos Tausch Synonym H WCSP
Pothos brassii B.L.Burtt Accepted H WCSP
Pothos breviscapus Poepp. ex Kunth [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos brevispathus Ridl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos brevistylus Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos brevivaginatus Alderw. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos brownii Domin Synonym H WCSP
Pothos camtschaticus Spreng. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos cannifolius Dryand. ex Sims Synonym H WCSP
Pothos cannifolius Rudge [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos canniformis Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos cartilagineus Desf. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos cathcartii Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos caudatus Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos celatocaulis N.E.Br. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos ceylanicus Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos chapelieri Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos chinensis (Raf.) Merr. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos chinensis var. lotienensis C.Y.Wu & H.Li Synonym L WCSP
Pothos clavatus Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos clemensii Elmer ex Merr. Unresolved L TRO
Pothos cognatus Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos cordata L. Synonym M TRO
Pothos cordatus L. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos cordatus Willd. Synonym L TRO
Pothos coriaceus Salisb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos coriaceus Graham [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos crassinervius Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos crassinervius Hook. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos crassipedunculatus Sivad. & N.Mohanan Accepted H WCSP
Pothos crenatus L. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos cumingianus Schott [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos curtisii Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos cuscuaria Aubl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos cuspidatus Alderw. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos cylindricus C.Presl Accepted H WCSP
Pothos decipiens Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos decurrens Wall. Unresolved L TRO
Pothos decursivus Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos decursivus Wall. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos digitata Jacq. Synonym M TRO
Pothos digitatus Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos dolichophyllus Merr. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos drupaceus Dennst. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos dzui P.C.Boyce Accepted H WCSP
Pothos elegans Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos ellipticus Moon ex Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos ellipticus Ridl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos elongellus Kunth [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos enderianus N.E.Br. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos englerianus Alderw. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos enneaphyllus Vell. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos erythrurus Tausch [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos exiguiflorus Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos falcifolius Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP
Pothos fallax Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos flexuosus Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos foetidus (L.) Aiton Synonym H WCSP
Pothos giganteus Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos gigantipes Buchet ex P.C.Boyce Accepted H WCSP
Pothos gigantipes Buchet ex Gagnep. Synonym M TRO
Pothos glaucus Wall. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos glaucus Schott ex Kunth Synonym M TRO
Pothos gracilis Rudge Synonym H WCSP
Pothos gracilis Roxb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos gracillimus Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP
Pothos grandiflorus Steudn. Unresolved L TRO
Pothos grandifolius Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos grandis Buchet ex P.C.Boyce & V.D.Nguyen Accepted H WCSP
Pothos grandis Buchet & Gagnep. Synonym M TRO
Pothos grandispathus Ridl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos harrisii Graham Synonym H WCSP
Pothos hederaceus Zoll. & Moritzi [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos hederaceus (Jacq.) Aubl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos hellwigii Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos hellwigii var. latifolius Lauterb. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos heptaphyllus Vell. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos hermaphroditus (Blanco) Merr. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos heterophyllus Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos hookeri Schott Accepted H WCSP
Pothos horsfieldii Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos hosei Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Pothos inaequalis Ridl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos inaequilaterus (C.Presl) Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos insignis Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos jacobsonii Alderw. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos junghuhnianus Schott [Spelling variant] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos junghuhnii de Vriese Accepted H WCSP
Pothos keralensis A.G.Pandurangan & V.J.Nair Accepted H WCSP
Pothos kerrii Buchet ex P.C.Boyce Accepted H WCSP
Pothos kerrii Buchet ex Gagnep. Synonym M TRO
Pothos kinabaluensis Furtado Synonym H WCSP
Pothos kingii Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos korthalsianus Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos kunstleri Hook.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos laciniatus M.Martens & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pothos lanceolatus L. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos lancifolius Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos lasia Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos latifolius L. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos latifolius Hook.f. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos laurifolius P.C.Boyce & A.Hay Accepted H WCSP
Pothos ledermannii Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Pothos ledermannii var. caudatus Engl. & K.Krause Synonym L WCSP
Pothos leptospadix de Vriese Synonym H WCSP
Pothos leptostachyus Schott Accepted H WCSP
Pothos leucocarpus Kunth [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos leucophaeus Poepp. ex Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos longifolius C.Presl Synonym H WCSP
Pothos longifolius Hoffm. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos longifolius Link & Otto ex Steud. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos longipedunculatus Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos longipedunculatus Ridl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos longipes Schott Accepted H WCSP
Pothos longivaginatus Alderw. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos longus Ridl. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos lorispathus Ridl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos loureiroi Hook. & Arn. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos lucidus hort. ex Kunth Unresolved L TRO
Pothos luzonensis (C.Presl) Schott Accepted H WCSP
Pothos macrocephalus Scort. ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos macrophyllus Sw. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos macrophyllus de Vriese [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos macrostachyus Zoll. & Moritzi [Illegitimate] Synonym L WCSP
Pothos maingayi Hook.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos malaianus Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos marginatus Wall. Unresolved L TRO
Pothos maximus Desf. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos membranulifer de Vriese ex Engl. Unresolved L TRO
Pothos membranuliferus Walp. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos merrillii K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Pothos microphyllus C.Presl Synonym H WCSP
Pothos microphyllus Hook. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos microstachyus Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos miniatus Zipp. ex Schott [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos mirabilis Merr. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos monopetalus Reinw. ex Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos motleyanus Schott Accepted H WCSP
Pothos myosuroides Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos neoroxburghii P.C. Boyce Unresolved L TRO
Pothos nervosus Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos nigrescens Zipp. ex Schott [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos nigricans auct. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos nitens W.Bull [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos obliquus Wall. ex Hook.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos oblongifolius Tausch [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos obtusifolius W.T.Aiton Synonym H WCSP
Pothos odoratus Anderson ex Sims Synonym H WCSP
Pothos officinalis Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos oliganthus P.C.Boyce & A.Hay Accepted H WCSP
Pothos ovatifolius Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos ovatifolius var. simalurensis Alderw. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos ovatus Walter Synonym H WCSP
Pothos oxyphyllus Miq. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos palmatus L. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos panduriformis Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos papuanus Becc. ex Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos parasiticus Vell. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos parvispadix Nicolson Accepted H WCSP
Pothos paucinervius Ridl. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos pedatus Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos peepla Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos peeplus Roxb. Synonym M TRO
Pothos penicilliger Gagnep. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos peninsularis Alderw. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos pentandrus Dennst. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos pentaphylla Sims Synonym M TRO
Pothos pentaphyllus (Aubl.) Willd. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos pertusus Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos philippinensis Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos pilulifer Buchet ex P.C.Boyce Accepted H WCSP
Pothos pilulifer Buchet ex Gagnep. Synonym M TRO
Pothos pinnatifidus Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos pinnatus L. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos pipla Schult. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos platynervron Desf. Unresolved L TRO
Pothos platyneuron Desf. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos podophyllus Cham. & Schltdl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos polystachyus Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP
Pothos putorii Barton Synonym H WCSP
Pothos quinquenervius Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos quinquevenosus Alderw. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos reflexus Hoffm. ex Kunth [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos remotiflorus Hook. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos remotiflorus var. macrophyllus Hook.f. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos repens (Lour.) Druce Accepted H WCSP
Pothos repens (Lour.) Merr. Synonym M TRO
Pothos reptans (G. Don) Link & Otto ex Steud. Accepted M TRO
Pothos ridleyanus Furtado Synonym H WCSP
Pothos rigidus Aubl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos roxburghii de Vriese Accepted H WCSP
Pothos roxburghii Schott [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos roxburghii var. stenophyllus de Vriese Synonym L WCSP
Pothos rubescens (G. Don) Link & Otto ex Steud. Accepted M TRO
Pothos rubricaulis Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos rubrinervia Link Synonym M TRO
Pothos rubrinervius Link Synonym H WCSP
Pothos rumphii Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos rumphii var. dolichophyllus (Merr.) Nicolson Synonym L WCSP
Pothos rumphii var. giganteus Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos sagittatus Sims Synonym H WCSP
Pothos sagittifolius Rudge Synonym H WCSP
Pothos salicifolius Ridl. ex Burkill & Holttum Accepted H WCSP
Pothos sanderianus auct. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos scandens L. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos scandens f. angustior Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos scandens var. cognatus (Schott) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos scandens var. helferianus Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos scandens var. hookeri (Schott) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos scandens var. javanicus de Vriese Synonym L WCSP
Pothos scandens var. sumatranus de Vriese Synonym L WCSP
Pothos scandens var. zeylanicus de Vriese Synonym L WCSP
Pothos scandens var. zollingerianus (Schott) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Pothos schlechtendalii (Kunth) M.Martens & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pothos scolopendrinus Ham. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos scolopendrioides Desf. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos scolopendrius Spreng. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos seemannii Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos solitarius (Schott) Vell. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos spectabilis auct. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos spinosus (L.) Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos splendens hort. ex Gentil Unresolved L TRO
Pothos suaveolens Desf. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos subcaulescens Vell. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos subsagittatus Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos sumatranus Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos sumatranus Engl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos tener Schott [Illegitimate] Synonym L WCSP
Pothos tener Wall. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos terminalis Hance Synonym H WCSP
Pothos thomsonianus Schott Accepted H WCSP
Pothos touranensis Gagnep. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos triphyllus Willd. ex Schult. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos umbraculifera de Vriese [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos undatus (Schott) Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pothos undulatus hort. ex Steud. Unresolved L TRO
Pothos venosus Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos ventricosus Hoffmanns. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos versteegii Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Pothos violaceus Sw. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos viridis Parment. ex Steudel Unresolved L TRO
Pothos volans P.C.Boyce & A.Hay Accepted H WCSP
Pothos vrieseanus Schott Synonym H WCSP
Pothos wallichii Hook.f. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pothos wallichii Steud. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos warburgii Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos yunnanensis Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Pothos zippelii Schott Accepted H WCSP
Pothos zollingeri Engl. [Spelling variant] Synonym H WCSP
Pothos zollingeri Schott Synonym M TRO
Pothos zollingerianus Schott Synonym H WCSP